Thursday 28 April 2011

Park Location shot


MS- Mum by cot in the babies’ room with lullaby playing:
CUS-Mum, Murmuring along to lullaby as camera rotates, although her face is hidden as well as empty cot is hidden:
CU- Mobile Spinning:
Flash to new scene

Establishing Shot of the park:
MLS- Of the young boy (Joe) playing
MS-Of Angelica drawing in the park
CU- Of Angelica’s drawing of the child
Establishing shot of Angelica’s House: As she walks through the front door

CU-Of mum’s face:
Pan room: Include baby picture
CU Pan- Of mum from back to front, audience see’s there is no baby is the cot.

MS- Angelica (From Behind) sitting at a computer
CU-Of printer, as it prints out newspaper article
CU-Of book as she sticks down newspaper article, then turns the page and sticks in picture of the boy she drew in the park.

Jump Cut CU: PSYCHOSIS written on the screen in big writing